Job Mining Protocols
JobDex Exchange
AI Powered
Web3.0 Job Exchange
Web3 Resume
Blockchain Platform for Credentials
LinkCert Protocol
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Job Mining Protocols
JobDex Exchange
AI Powered
Web3.0 Job Exchange
Web3 Resume
Blockchain Platform for Credentials
LinkCert Protocol
Who is Involved
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Core Value
Hrrkoin for Everyone
Collaborators Handbook
Profit Sharing
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Collaborators Rewards
Buyback & Burn
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FoxEX Funding
FoxEX Funding
Providing insight-driven transformation to investment banks, wealth and asset managers, exchanges, clearing houses.
ICO for StarTek company
ICO for StarTek company
Providing insight-driven transformation to investment banks, wealth and asset managers, exchanges, clearing houses.
Security Advisory
Security Advisory
Providing insight-driven transformation to investment banks, wealth and asset managers, exchanges, clearing houses.
Decentralization Improvement
Decentralization Improvement
Providing insight-driven transformation to investment banks, wealth and asset managers, exchanges, clearing houses.
Proof of steak system
Proof of steak system
Providing insight-driven transformation to investment banks, wealth and asset managers, exchanges, clearing houses.
Payment system for Aliba
Payment system for Aliba
Providing insight-driven transformation to investment banks, wealth and asset managers, exchanges, clearing houses.
Cryptocurrency design
Cryptocurrency design
Providing insight-driven transformation to investment banks, wealth and asset managers, exchanges, clearing houses.
ICO advisory for Apple
ICO advisory for Apple
Providing insight-driven transformation to investment banks, wealth and asset managers, exchanges, clearing houses.