Collaborators Rewards

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Early Support / Collaborators Rewards-

We have designed our tokonomics to reward those who support & collaborate on our platform during its early stages. Here are some of the benefits that early supporters can expect:

  • Early Access: Those who support HRRKoin during its pre-launch phase will be granted early access to the ecosystem, allowing them to explore its features and capabilities before anyone else.
  • Airdrops: We will be distributing free HRRKoin tokens to early supporters as a way of showing our appreciation for their contributions
  • Token Discounts: Early supporters will receive discounted rates on the purchase of HRRKoin tokens, allowing them to acquire more tokens at a lower cost.
  • Staking Rewards: Early supporters who hold onto their HRRKoin tokens for a certain period of time will be eligible for higher staking rewards, incentivizing long-term investment in our platform.
  • Voting Rights: Early supporters will have a say in the future development of HRRKoin, with additional voting rights granted to those who contribute more to the platform.

Overall, we believe that our early support rewards program will help to build a strong and engaged community around HRRKoin, setting us up for long-term success. Join our telegram channel