Core Value

“TIE” the core Value “Transparent Inclusive Empowering” Principles of HRRKoin
Hrrkoin > Community > Core Value

“TIE” the core Value “Transparent Inclusive Empowering” Principles of HRRKoin

When you think of HRRKoin, you should think of a decentralized, blockchain-based HR platform that is owned and governed by the community.

A few key principles we should follow to ensure HRRKoin is a truly open, collaborative, and community-driven platform:

Transparent Inclusive Empowering


We believe in radical transparency. We want to build a platform where everyone has access to information, discussions, and ideas related to HR and employment. We want to foster an environment where transparency is the norm, not the exception.


We are building HRRKoin for everyone. Whether you’re an HR professional, a job seeker, or simply interested in the future of work, we want to make sure that our platform is accessible and inclusive for all. We are committed to creating a platform that values diversity, equity, and inclusion.


At HRRKoin, we believe in the power of community. We want to empower our users to take an active role in shaping the platform and its features. We are committed to creating a platform that enables users to contribute their skills, knowledge, and expertise to the community, and to be recognized and rewarded for their contributions.